Our Mission

Protection & Promotion of Indian Cows

About Periyar Gaushala Foundation

Periyar Gaushala Foundation primarily works to protect Indian cows through our various Gaushalas and promote their compassionate care by providing knowledge and practical support.

Complete Humane Care Is What They Deserve

The Foundation aims to support as many cows as possible to live under the principles of humane care.


Nurturing cows and treating them with utmost kindness through various daily activities conducted at our Gaushalas.


Caring for cows by allowing open grazing every day on pasture, organic fodder for consumption and no weaning.


Allowing cows to grow in the best way possible by offering a natural habitat with other cow companions, freedom to roam and sufficient fodder & water for consumption.


Introducing a new concept of Cow Sanctuaries to fulfill the goal of allowing cows to live out their full span of life with dignity and respect


Protecting cows and calves from the harmful impact of inhumane and unnatural treatment usually provided by large factory farms.


Promoting humane care of cows by making presentations to individuals & groups, using the internet & social media, writing articles to spread our mission, etc.

Our Presence